- Return to your city and disband as a bidding committee. Give your area 30 days’ notice and hold an open meeting inviting all in your area to attend. Elect your principle officers (Chairperson, Co-chair, Treasurer, and Secretary) using the 3rd Legacy voting procedure. Advisory will help facilitate elections of the Steering Committee.
- All previous Bidding Requirements still apply to hosting Conference.
- The Conference does a greater job of carrying the message when the conference officers (Chairperson, Co-chair, Treasurer, and Secretary) have at least two (2) years of sobriety.
- Communication with your Intergroup (Central Office), District, and Area Assembly may be best assured if the conference committee sends a non-voting committee member of Area Assembly or Central Office to those committees. Host has been granted time at Area Assembly. Be sure to send someone with a report to communicate LASCYPAA updates. On the Saturday of Area Assembly, Host can meet and request Advisory to be there. On Sunday morning, during the business meeting, LASCYPAA is given time to give a report.
- Host Committee agrees to provide Advisory Council’s Secretary with digital copies of the minutes within 2 weeks after each host committee meeting. The email is
- will be passed on from Host to Host every year. It is your responsibility to get all pertinent information from the previous Host Committee. is for Advisory. Host Committee is required to give any and ALL login information to the Advisory Webmaster.
- Traditionally, LASCYPAA has paid for speakers’ expenses including their room and travel expenses.
- Host Committee shall submit a tentative program at least 45 days prior to LASCYPAA Conference date. (The purpose of this is so that Advisory can provide adequate event insurance for the Conference).
- The host committee should be directly involved with any activity from which funds may be generated. This means that host committees need to show up to their own events and co-events. -7th Tradition
- Do not open a bank account without speaking to Advisory Chair first.
- Advisory Council, through the Advisory Council Hotel Liaison, will have to review and approve all hotel contracts before they are signed and agreed upon.
- Advisory Council does reserve veto power over any Host Committee action; this is legally necessary and right in principle. With this relationship come certain specific responsibilities and suggestions. See Advisory Council Bylaws for clarification of the veto procedure.
- At the conference, wherever the main conference registration is located, or the central focal point, we urge that nothing but AA conference approved literature be sold. Experience has shown that a “flea market” can develop, and those unaware of our endeavor can be mislead—especially by the press, radio, film and TV. Keep the Twelve Traditions in mind at all times. We may be the only representation of Alcoholics Anonymous, let alone YPAA, that people may see.
- In order for Advisory to facilitate bids, host will include the following on their conference program:
- Bid Q&A immediately following Friday night speaker.
- Bid Skit presentations at 8:30AM Saturday morning.
- Open site selection deliberations following bid skit presentations on Saturday.
- Advisory Council debriefings with the bid committee that was awarded the conference and the other bids that were not awarded.
- Host Committee needs to provide a business meeting room for Advisory Council to meet in all day of Saturday of the Conference.
- Advisory Council requests space to display archives from previous conferences. Host Committee shall reserve one (1) t-shirt and one (1) lanyard for Advisory archives. Other memorabilia to be provided to Advisory at hosts discretion.
- Advisory Council elections will be held 30 days prior to the Conference. Host Committee shall notify Advisory at least two (2) weeks prior to elections. Each Host Committee shall elect (using 3rd Legacy procedure) three (3) people to serve on the Advisory Council. Host shall elect three (3) people to serve as alternates, in the order of 1st alternate, 2nd alternate, and 3rd alternate. [Six (6) total elected advisory members from each conference, three (3) full membership and three (3) alternates]. Those being elected must have served on the Host Committee continuously for six (6) months prior to the actual Conference. They must be sober at least one (1) year at date of elections. Those elected are invited to serve as voting members on the council for their Conference, excluding the site selection meeting, and required to serve through five (5) additional traveling Conferences. Members from the Advisory Council will conduct incoming Advisory elections.
- Be advised that newly elected Advisory Council members are invited to serve on the council at your conference and are welcome to attend council meetings, if possible, during the Conference weekend. Just let the Chair of Advisory know.
- In the event that the Host Committee becomes indebted to the hotel or any vendor following the conference, it will be the responsibility of the Host Committee to hold supportive events to pay off their debts. Advisory will cover the debt initially and host will reimburse Advisory.
Advisory Council strongly encourages anyone to contact us at any time. Contact information for LASCYPAA Advisory members can be found at
Revised 4/3/2022
Click here to download the LASCYPAA Host Committee Guidelines