LASCYPAA Bidding Requirements


  1. Bidders must provide a concise needs statement illustrating their reasons for bringing LASCYPAA to their area
  2. Three AA members with a minimum of one year sobriety must represent the bidding city.
  3. Bidders must have commitments from at least two appropriate facilities (hotels, universities, convention centers, gymnasiums, etc.) so sized to accommodate the entire conference (500 people +/-). Also included should be: tentative dates  (suggested minimum of two dates) for the conference, availability of meeting rooms (including meeting room for advisory, hospitality room, & breakout rooms), and cost of the facility. Bidders must provide information regarding housing for attendees, including cost and accessibility to the conference site. Include cost of food and beverage if applicable. (If hotel states you may bring in food and beverage or not.)  Contracts should be as “sign-able” as possible. Please feel free to contact Advisory Hotel Chair with any and all questions.
  4. Documentation must be given that no large scale activity will be held in the bidding city within a thirty day period before after the conference (this includes ICYPAA) in an effort to demonstrate due diligence and that you are attempting to avoid conflict with other events. Examples of large scale activities include, but are not limited to: State Convention, Area Assembly, local round-ups (ex-Big Deep South, Tri-State, Cajun Country etc.). 
  5. Statements of support from the intergroup or regional counterpart (district) must be brought by the bidding conference. Statements of support can be written by past Delegates, current Delegates, central offices, DCMs (District Committee Members), Area Officers, other bid committees. Please demonstrate how the bid committee has been involved with General Service (some have chosen to get a letter of support, or to show how their group was active in area or district service.)
  6. Prospective bidders will be required to demonstrate financial autonomy and responsibility, within the traditions of AA as a whole, being directly involved in any activity from which funds are generated.
  7. The new host city must agree that the “seed money” (500.00 given by Advisory) and 50% of all net proceeds are to be turned over to the Advisory Council for disposition. The host city shall donate the remaining 50% of the proceeds to their local service structure or any other AA service entity. Examples of local service structures can include any or all of these: Area Assembly, GSO, local Central Office, District, any local service committee and even the new incoming Host Committee for LASCYPAA. Division of percentages to each group is decided by the outgoing Host Committee. 
  8.   There will be a maximum of 20 minutes for the presentation of the bid requirements by each bidding city. If a skit is part of the presentation, the bid requirements should be referenced in it.
  9.   A statement of assurance that elections will be held prior to the conference (within 30 days) to select upcoming advisory council members is required and will comply with Host Guidelines. 
  10. Bid committees are to submit a PDF copy of bid book via email ( 3 weeks prior to conference start day. There should be one physical copy of the bid book provided for LASCYPAA archives the morning of bid presentations. Feel free to submit bid book drafts early/throughout the year for feedback. No bids will be rejected. As always, walk-in and “token” bids are always welcome.
  11. Bidders must demonstrate how the bid committee has outreached the LASCYPAA conference to AA in and out of their area throughout the current bidding year. Examples include, but are not limited to: Hosting co-events with Lascypaa Host and other committees, setting up and hosting outreach tables anywhere the Host Committee may not be able to attend, outreaching at conferences within the state and outside of the state that Host Committee may not be able to attend. 
  12. Present a temporary pre-registration flyer. It must state that the conference dates and location are TBA. This will be used if the bid committee is awarded the conference.
  13. How does your bid demonstrate the three legacies of AA? (Unity, Service, and Recovery)


Unity:  Co hosting events with host committee, outreaching with host committee, holding unity events with other committees in the area, having unity events with you bid, etc.

Service:   Carrying meetings to treatment centers and detox’s, jails, service projects, working with an accessibility committee (deaf and blind community in AA, homebound or with people in nursing homes, etc), serving at the district and area level in the AA service structure, etc.

Recovery:  Your bid having sponsors and actively working the steps, your bid actively sponsoring others, bringing newcomers into your bid and to the conference, starting a meeting, etc. 

Revised 8/11/2019


Click here to download the LASCYPAA Bid Requirements